If you run an advertising or public relations firm, you are focused on providing targeted campaigns that will help your clients excel — and improve their bottom lines. And every good marketing professional understands that the crux of any campaign begins with data. Data management of a customer database is a critical element to moving your revenue forward — and its one that you can use within your own firm to increase your own customers’ lifetime value and grow your profits.
Document Management — Turning Your Data into Sales
Topics: document management, #DMS, marketing firm, advertising agency, public relations firm, managed data
Organizational Tech and Tips for PR Professionals
The worlds of public relations, marketing, and advertising are hectic at the best of times — and frenetic at the worst. As a PR professional, you must keep multiple tasks and projects in order and to do this, organization — and lack of distraction — is essential.
Topics: document management, #PublicRelations, #Marketing, #DMS, #DocumentManagementSolutions, advertising, organizationaltech, documentmanagementsoftware, prfirm
Grow Membership and Engagement with Document Management
Associations that serve — and depend on — membership took a powerful hit in 2020 as the global pandemic caused major disruptions across the nation. Even as early as 2019, membership organizations were feeling a pinch. In fact, up to 68% of them had trouble increasing their membership base and 25% were stagnant. Eleven percent of these organizations actually got smaller. The rest? They only expanded their membership base by 1 – 5%.
Topics: document management, #DocumentManagementSystem, #DMS, document management software, membership, engagement, document management solutions
How Smart Utilities Keep Track of Critical Data Using Document Management
Manual data and analog tools — those were the processes most utilities used to conduct their daily operations. Today, utilities are embracing a digital transformation by turning to automated data management tools to increase productivity and efficiency across business processes. By adopting digital strategies, utilities can improve the customer experience and surge ahead of their competition in a hypercompetitive marketplace.
Topics: document management, #energy, #DMS, utilities, Utilities and Document Management
How Your General Practice’s Efficiency Benefits from Document Management
During the coronavirus epidemic, the nation’s healthcare workers went into overdrive to care for their regular patients plus those needing special assistance battling the virus. The trend toward overwork is continuing, however, putting many physicians and their staff at risk of burnout.
Topics: healthcare, #DocumentManagement, #DMS, general practice efficiency, general practice
4 Ways to Improve Healthcare Workflows and the Patient Experience
With many challenges ahead of it in 2021 and beyond, the healthcare industry is reshaping the way it conducts business in order to stay agile and to seek to provide outstanding patient care. Among the tools healthcare providers will use is a growing relationship with digital providers that will help reduce physician burdens.
Topics: document management, healthcare, #DMS, improving healthcare workflow, patient experience
Cheers to These Premium Printing Solutions for Ohio Wineries
Vineyards require patience, determination, and an elegant touch to mature according to a winemaker’s specifications. While wine sits in the barrel, aging improves the quality, and the vintage develops into the bouquet the winery spent years to build and market. While branding depends on grape quality and remains the primary concern for wineries in Ohio, the production of fine wines relies on more modern techniques and technologies. Once the batches are ready, getting them out and making them available to the public requires a smooth process and streamlined workflows.
Topics: #DMS, #PrintingSolutions, #OhioWineries
Keep Funeral Home Costs Down with Document Management Solutions
Funeral Homes and mortuaries need to provide their services while remaining empathetic with visitors and clients during some of the most challenging times in their lives. To achieve this, they need to offer a transparent service and control a lot of information during the burial process. From the initial contact with the customer to the final showing and burial of a loved one, the funeral home will need to record requests accurately, file expenses, submit the required documents to officials, and reduce errors during every step of the way.
One way funeral homes can reduce operational expenses is by moving to an integrated document management solution that reduces administrative overheads.
Topics: #Compliancy, #Costreduction, #IncreaseEfficiency, #DMS, #DocumentManagementSolutions
Secure Printing Solutions for Ohio Utility Companies
Utility companies rely on millions of different documents to maintain their infrastructure, resolve operational issues, and secure continuous supply to their customers. Apart from the burdensome regulatory requirements the industry faces, they also regularly process personally identifiable information from their clients.
While companies already utilize the latest technologies to manage and maintain their data, it is now imperative to secure every aspect of their technology landscapes, especially the printers and copiers distributed throughout the organization. To remain on the safe side of compliance requirements, companies need to demonstrate adequate security is in place wherever employees have access to their essential information.
Topics: #SecuringMFPs, #PublicAgenciesPrintingSecurity, #PrinterSecurity, #DMS, #DocumentManagementSolutions
Optimize Your Insurance Company’s Document Management Strategy
If there’s one thing that’s associated with tremendous amounts of paperwork, it’s insurance companies. From application through claims, a form or letter or piece of paper exists for everything. However, all this paperwork needs to remain organized and accessible for an insurance company to operate effectively. That’s where document management becomes handy, and insurance companies require a solid strategy for it.
Topics: #DocumentManagement, #insurance, #DMS