Data collection and use are growing across all industries — and so is cybercrime, a trend that is driving the need for better enterprise data management and security. While malicious actors continue to develop increasingly sophisticated ways to access sensitive data, many companies are spending more on IT budgets to develop more protective strategies. However, protecting endpoints — those devices such as production printers, desktop printers or multifunction devices, copiers, scanners, and others — often gets overlooked.
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The Importance of Data Security and Integrity for Production Printers
Topics: Managed IT, #cybersecurity, Data Management, Wide Format printer, productionprint
Bridging Physical and Cybersecurity for Supply Chain Management
No business system has been hit harder by the ongoing pandemic than our supply chain. Challenges, including delays and further disruption, are continuing, especially as supply chain actors continue to adjust to a new way of doing business. And now that more workers are demanding remote or hybrid work environments, businesses are having to contend with new weaknesses and vulnerabilities in their security infrastructure — both digital and physical.
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Here’s Why Law Firms Need a Smart Cloud Strategy
Before the pandemic, many businesses were looking at digital transformations that included cloud migration. After the pandemic hit, 48% of businesses surveyed are fast-tracking their cloud migration and more than a third are looking at digitizing more processes using cloud-based technology. In general terms, the switch to cloud technology was predicated on the need for better security and collaboration to support remote and hybrid workplaces and to deal with disruptions in both business and consumer demands.
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How Managed IT Can Save Manufacturers Money During a Recession
With the economy still reeling from the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, manufacturers are skeptical about being able to maintain a profit moving forward. In fact, 75% of manufacturers claim that inflation is worse now than six months ago and over half note that it is becoming even harder to stay competitive and continue to turn a profit.
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How Document Management Helps Nonprofits Create Better Member Experiences
Many nonprofits were hard hit by the pandemic, especially those that did not have large reserves of capital upon which to lean. As they move toward recovery, nonprofits are realizing that the member landscape has shifted and there is a new climate when it comes to generating needed funds. Smaller donors are less able than ever to be able to offer support, but our culture is becoming more focused on the things that nonprofits provide — value-focused services to underserved communities.
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New Hack Reporting Requirements Mean Entertainment Companies Must Bolster Compliance
Hackers are getting more sophisticated, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has given them the space they need to launch new and more impactful attacks. Recently, it was reported that last year broke the record for the number of sophisticated cyber assaults called zero-day attacks — and that number is climbing. Now, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) along with the National Security Agency (NSA) have warned businesses to expect an increase in cybercrime stemming from Russian hacking groups exploiting wartime disruption to perpetrate increased malicious activity.
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How to Take Advantage of the New Flexibilities in Telehealth
The coronavirus pandemic caused much disruption in the medical industry, but there was a silver lining: According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), telehealth visits under Medicare increased to 52.7 million in 2020, up from only 840,000 the previous year. Interestingly, most of the visits — 92% — occurred in the home of the beneficiary, which typically was not permitted before COVID-19. This represents a 63-fold increase in the utilization of telehealth under Medicare, but new reports are showing that overall use of this technology has increased by 38% as compared to the pre-COVID era.
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The Importance of Proper Documentation for Project Management Strategies
In the world of construction and contracts, project success is the key to building customer loyalty and trust — and developing a reputation that will keep new customers seeking your services. In loose terms, the success of a project is defined by how effectively the outlined goals and objectives are met and, of course, if the project can be brought to completion on time and under budget.
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What is G7 Printing and How Can it Help You Manage Client Color Quality?
In today’s hypercompetitive markets, all industry players are looking for ways to become — and stay — leaders in their respective niches. To do this, it is critical to maintain an image and customer experience that is consistent across all marketing activities and channels. Developing a brand identity is hard work and expensive, so companies want their messaging to be powerful, with the same visual appeal across platforms. This continuity provides consumers with a sense of trust and reliability that can build loyalty and reinforce a brand’s value proposition to foster increased awareness.
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How to Navigate New Trends in Wholesale Distribution
As an important channel between the global supply chain and the economy, wholesale distribution companies move behind the scenes, finding and distributing needed goods to their customers across the globe. However, the recent coronavirus pandemic has challenged these organizations with the impact of unpredictable demand fluctuations, disruptions in the supply chain, and increased workforce health and safety issues, all of which have placed an incredible strain on business-to-customer relationships.
Topics: document management, Managed IT, Print Management, #WholesaleDistribution