Video conferencing is an amazing technology, and it is transforming the ways accountants, wealth managers, and financial planners are doing business.
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How Accountants are Using Video Conferencing to Amplify Customer Relationships
Topics: #VirtualMeetings, VideoConferencing
How Wide-Format Printing Can Improve Hotel and Motel Marketing
With much uncertainty in the world right now, the travel industry has to be creative to attract customers.
Topics: #wideformatprinters, hospitality
5 Big Challenges Faced by the Hospital Services Industry
Topics: healthcare, Managed IT, #cybersecurity
5 Ways to Meet the Engineering Challenges of Tomorrow
In this article, we will explore the engineering challenges (and opportunities) of the future, such as cybersecurity threats and the “Internet of Things.” We will also share how Managed IT can support new engineering efforts and improve productivity for teams.
Topics: Managed IT, #Engineering, #cybersecurity
Solutions to Supply Chain Shortages Impacting Production Print
With supply chain shortages and disruptions continuing, companies often have to scramble to get basic tasks done. When it comes to printing, problems range from rising paper costs and shortages to difficulties in replacing printer parts.
Topics: #printers, #PrintProduction, supply chain network
How to Build Elastic Capacity Into Your Supply Chain
The recent historic supply chain disruptions are likely to continue, but it is hard to predict what might happen next. Having an “elastic” supply chain can be critical in overcoming these problems, and Managed IT can help.
Topics: Managed IT, supply chain network
Commercial Real Estate Deals Are Slowing: How Document Management Can Help
Commercial real estate deal volume is slowing with higher interest rates, and many deals are being paused or canceled. Document management can help smooth transactions to avoid unnecessary delays, thus increasing the chance of success in a shaky commercial real estate market.
Topics: real estate, document managment, commercial real estate
Enabling the Factory of the Future for Medical Device Manufacturers
Medical device manufacturers face many challenges these days, especially with recent supply chain snarls and snafus. A balance must be achieved between bringing a product to market quickly and ensuring products are reliable and effective.
Topics: Managed IT, #Manufacturing, medical device
Many K-12 Schools Are Increasing Security Measures
Topics: education, #cybersecurity, Cybersecurity in schools
How VoIP Can Transform Communication for Your Hospitality Business
Hotels and motels have always had the standard landline available for customers — but that is changing. In fact, communication in hospitality businesses is taking on a whole new look — thanks to Voice-over-Internet-Protocol or VoIP technology.
Topics: VoIP, benefits of the right VoIP solution, voip for hospitality