Global lockdowns, supply chain breakdowns, and low employment levels have all combined to move the manufacturing industry into its current phase. With an emphasis on resiliency, sustainability, agility, and above all, employee health and safety, manufacturers must adopt new procedures and strategies, or risk being displaced by more agile competitors.
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Building the Strategic In-House Marketing Agency with the Right Tools
Last year, a survey conducted by Gartner showed nearly a third of businesses had moved their marketing tasks in-house over the previous year. This trend that has been accelerating as more companies look for ways to conserve resources while increasing their competitive edge. Having an internal creative team allows marketers to get closer to the brand, adding to their understanding of what is needed for success. Additionally, an in-house marketing agency allows for expanded flexibility and the speed required to turn projects around in record time. With in-house agencies, cropping an image, changing verbiage, or modifying a color selection is fast and simple, which is advantageous not only from a speed, but also a cost standpoint.
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