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Ohio Travel Agencies with Managed Print Services Soar Above the Competition

Posted by Blue Technologies Ohio on Dec 3, 2019 8:45:00 AM

Even in today’s world, where everything is available online, many customers still prefer that a knowledgeable professional assist them with finalizing their travel arrangements. The industry is currently experiencing a resurgence, as more travelers prefer the convenience of an expert helping them prepare for a trip rather than sifting through a myriad of websites and online booking services.

Ensuring all the requirements are in place, and the correct itinerary generated in a travel agency relies on dependable digital infrastructure and printing hardware. Speed and efficiency are crucial, as often travel agents need to create documents while remaining on the phone with their clients. If any of the printers, copiers, fax machines, or scanners don’t work, customers may become frustrated, and the agency will lose revenue.

Managed Print Services Benefits for Travel Agencies

Travel agents face a lot of pressure in today’s world. They must understand the customer’s exact needs, find the best deals, and place everything together into a strategic travel plan that ensures a smooth trip from start to finish. Even the best travel agency can improve its business processes and organizational workflows with Managed Print Services (MPS). An MPS solution benefits agencies by reducing stress in the office and improving employee productivity with reliable equipment, reduced costs, and improved oversight.

1. Regaining Control over the Agency’s Printing Hardware

A Managed Print Services provider will assist the agency in reestablishing control over the entire printing fleet of machines and devices. A unique challenge in the travel industry is the concurrent way consultants execute their duties. Agents need unfettered access to the printers and scanners in the office to capture or produce a range of documents and forms in real-time. If the agency relies on older devices and hardware, it is likely to fail during critical times or experience extended downtimes while waiting for repairs.

Additionally, if the agency isn’t keeping track of print volumes, paper and ink supplies, and servicing the hardware, costs can escalate and eat into their revenue. An MPS provider will work with the agency to establish control policies, track all prints across departments and devices, and ensure they receive supplies while also conducting the maintenance on the machines as required. With improved oversight and control, the agency can eliminate wasteful practices and reduce their printing costs.

2. Reduced Costs with Modern Equipment

If an agency acquired its printers and copiers at different times, the legacy equipment could cost more to operate. Older generation machines use more ink and power for every print or copy. An MPS company can help the agency to update its equipment with modern Multifunction Devices (MFDs) that are energy efficient and reduce cost per print. New MFDs also come with improved features and operations, allowing the agency to streamline their workflows from the first contact with a customer to the final confirmation of their itinerary.

Travel agencies can opt for existing hardware or bring in one or more MFDs for the companies most intensive print operations. MPS providers like Blue Technologies will work with the agency to develop a package that caters to the agency’s exact requirements.

3. Consistent Budget and Improved Security

Most businesses find it challenging to maintain a steady budget for their printing costs. Print volumes can vary drastically during different times of the year, especially in the travel industry. If the company chooses to work with an MPS provider, they will get all the related services at a consistent monthly cost. Agencies can create accurate forecasts of their yearly expenditure for paper, toner, and the regular servicing of the devices. With a steady budget, the company can free up cash flow to help them improve other aspects of the business instead of having to set money aside to replace a printer or copier that breaks down unexpectedly.

Another benefit of Managed Print Services is improved information security. Printers remain a pain point in securing personal information with both uncollected prints and onboard security making them vulnerable in the office. With an MPS solution, the agency can secure all printers and establish policies across all devices to secure information. Improved printer management and monitoring software allow agencies to set up pull-to-print controls and encrypt information during every step in the printing process.

Improve Office Efficiency with Managed Print Services from Blue Technologies in Ohio

Blue Technologies provides travel agencies in Ohio with MPS solutions that reduce printing costs and improve office productivity. With a team of experts that has served businesses in Ohio since 1995, Blue Technologies remains dedicated to customer excellence and provides transparent services that add real value to customers.

For travel agencies that need to reduce overheads and improve their daily workflows, reach out to Blue Technologies for a detailed print assessment today.

Topics: #ManagedPrintServices, #Compliancy, #TravelAgency

About Blue Technologies

Blue Technologies is an award-winning office technology solutions provider. Since 1995, we have offered office hardware, managed print services, document management, and IT solutions to businesses throughout the state of Ohio, becoming the region’s most reputable office technology provider in the process.

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