Blue Technologies Blog

Why All Hospitals Need to Leverage Managed IT Services

Posted by Blue Technologies Ohio on Mar 21, 2019 9:20:00 AM

Every hospital must comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA), which is a list of regulations designed to protect and secure private health information.

One primary goal of HIPAA is to make it easier for healthcare organizations to adopt technology that will help them better serve their patients. By providing them with a standard method by which all hospitals and other healthcare entities must secure patient data, the government also made it much easier for tech companies to introduce new platforms.  

One of the many examples that came about, as a result, was managed IT services. This is when one or more hospital IT services outsource to a company that specializes in providing and monitoring them. In short, it allows a hospital’s staff to focus on what they do best while another team of experts focuses on what they do best: managing IT systems.

4 Reasons Managed IT Services Have Become Vital to Hospitals

For most hospitals, meeting HIPAA compliance requirements is enough reason to adopt managed IT.

Still, at Blue Technologies, we offer four more reasons to consider outsourcing IT hospital services to our team.

1. Designing a Customized Infrastructure

Every modern IT infrastructure must be unique to the company it supports. Trying to adopt a one-size-fits-all option is futile because one hospital is entirely different from another. At best, any effort to apply such a cookie-cutter approach will result in staff members spending unnecessary time on tasks that a customized IT infrastructure would have handled.

This is why our team of managed IT experts will take the time to assess what a hospital needs to run efficiently. The assessment will include looking into unique requirements for:

  • Network Storage
  • Cloud-Based Services
  • VoIP Phone Systems
  • Network Appliances (e.g., routers, servers, wireless devices)

Best of all, all of the products and services we recommend come with our award-winning “Commitment to Excellence” guarantee.

2. Backup Systems for Peace of Mind

Every company should invest in backup solutions that ensure they are never one disaster away from permanently losing all of their data.

However, this is especially true for hospitals because of HIPAA requirements for backup systems.

Among other things, they mandate that a backup system must be redundant, meaning it involves more than just a single offsite data center. This way, no one data center can act as a single point of failure if something were to go wrong.

It also has to meet specific security requirements regarding who has access, and it’s not just about storage. A backup system must make it easy for authorized personnel to delete sensitive information, as well.

Finally, while HIPAA doesn’t have federal retention requirements, they do exist at the state level, so a hospital could be held accountable during an audit if it can’t produce certain records because they weren’t backed up properly.

3. Cloud Storage for Instance Access from Anywhere

Thanks to cloud storage, staff can instantly access, share, or sync the important documents hospitals have to serve their patients.

Furthermore, cloud storage is essential for supporting:

  • Productivity Solutions
  • Production Print
  • Collaboration

Hospitals don’t need any extra staff members to enjoy these benefits – just managed IT.

4. Monitoring IT Solutions to Ensure Performance

When our managed IT specialists are actively monitoring a hospital’s infrastructure, administrators don’t need to worry about a worst-case scenario like the entire network failing.

With our BlueProtect remote monitoring solution, our experts will provide hospitals with actionable insights and their recommendations for improving infrastructures and avoiding potential problems.

Just like regular appointments are helpful for patients, we’ll set up ongoing reviews to go over a hospital’s system and how we think it can be improved.

Get the Most from Your Hospital IT

Hospital IT can be about so much more than just HIPAA compliance and keeping pace with evolving technologies like the cloud. It can become a powerful tool for offering the best possible care to your patients, as well.

At Blue Technologies, we specialize in helping hospitals such as yours adopt managed IT. If you’d like to learn more about how outsourcing your IT hospital services can better serve your institution’s unique needs, please contact us today.

Topics: #HIPAAcompliance, #hospitalIT, #managedIT, #ITSolutions

About Blue Technologies

Blue Technologies is an award-winning office technology solutions provider. Since 1995, we have offered office hardware, managed print services, document management, and IT solutions to businesses throughout the state of Ohio, becoming the region’s most reputable office technology provider in the process.

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