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Green and Effective: The Role of Sustainable Printing in Tourism and Travel

Posted by Blue Technologies Ohio on Aug 14, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The travel and tourism sector has a unique opportunity to lead the way in sustainability. With travelers increasingly conscious of their impact on the environment, sustainable practices in the hospitality industry have become more important than ever before. Hotels, resorts, tour operators, and other travel-related services can play an important role in protecting the planet's resources by investing in renewable energy sources and other sustainable practices. 

Sustainable printing is a crucial part of minimizing an organization's environmental footprint. By using recycled paper, vegetable-based inks, and other materials that are not harmful to the environment, companies can make their operations eco-friendlier. In addition to cutting down on waste, sustainable printing also saves money. With fewer supplies needed for each job and lower energy costs, businesses can significantly reduce their overhead expenses.

As more organizations embrace sustainable printing, it's becoming easier than ever to go green. Companies can find a wide range of eco-friendly materials and services that make sustainable printing quick and hassle-free. By investing in these products, businesses can show their commitment to protecting our planet while also enjoying the cost savings that come with going green.

How Your Travel Business Can Take Advantage of Sustainable Printing Options 

Sustainable printing is great for the health of our planet — but it is also great for your tourism or travel business. By reducing energy consumption and preventing waste, you can decrease your carbon footprint — a strategy that can help your business appeal to more eco-minded consumers. For the best results, implement sustainable printing strategies and then track your progress. 

Many companies find tracking their progress useful in terms of both environmental and financial goals — and in marketing their sustainable profiles to the public. This data can be used to see where improvements are needed and assess how successful the company’s efforts have been. Here’s how to do it:

  • The first step when tracking progress is to define key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics should be tailored to the specific goals of the travel and tourism company. For example, if one of the company’s primary objectives is to reduce paper usage by 25%, then a KPI could be set up to track paper consumption over a certain period. 
  • Once KPIs have been defined, a system should be set up to regularly collect and analyze data. This could involve using existing software or developing a custom solution tailored to the company’s specific needs. The data collected should then be used to identify areas of improvement and understand how successful the company’s efforts have been.
  • Finally, it is important to monitor progress in terms of both environmental and financial goals. This can be done by comparing the company’s sustainability KPIs to industry benchmarks or setting internal benchmarks for improvement over time. Additionally, tracking the financial benefits of sustainability initiatives can help demonstrate their value and provide a clear incentive for continued efforts in this area. 

By taking these steps, travel and tourism companies can ensure that they are on the right track when implementing sustainable printing practices and that their efforts are having a positive impact. With regular tracking, they can monitor progress, adjust strategies, and reach their sustainability goals, which they can, in turn, market to consumers.

Finally, it is wise to remain up to date with the latest industry trends and technological advancements by partnering with a third-party managed services provider (MSP) or print expert. Technology is constantly evolving, and to remain competitive, organizations must ensure that they are leveraging the latest solutions — solutions that MSPs and print industry experts have at their fingertips. Doing so will enable you to minimize your environmental footprint while maximizing efficiency at the same time.

Blue Technologies Has the Latest Sustainable Printing Technology

Businesses in the travel and tourism industry have long been aware of the need to practice sustainable printing. By reducing their paper consumption, using sustainable inks, considering remanufactured ink and toner cartridges, and streamlining their print activities, they can significantly reduce their own environmental impact. 

At Blue Technologies, we have our finger on the pulse of sustainable printing practices. From managed print services that help reduce waste and energy consumption to printers designed to use eco-friendly inks and access to high quality remanufactured technologies, we have cost-effective options to help your travel business improve your sustainability.  

Reach out to your eco-conscious customer base. Contact a Blue Technologies consultant to explore how our sustainable print strategies can help your travel business increase the health of the planet — and your bottom line.

Topics: Sustainable printing, Travel and tourism, Remanufactured ink and toner cartridges

About Blue Technologies

Blue Technologies is an award-winning office technology solutions provider. Since 1995, we have offered office hardware, managed print services, document management, and IT solutions to businesses throughout the state of Ohio, becoming the region’s most reputable office technology provider in the process.

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