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Why Personalization — and Document Management — is the Key to Success in the 2022 Real Estate Market

Written by Blue Technologies Ohio | Jan 12, 2022 1:45:00 PM

The one thing a real estate agent needs to be successful is . . . clients. While that seems like a simple formula for success, the reality is much more complex. Getting — and keeping — clients in our post-COVID economy is a challenge. Consumer demands are shifting, and the tools agents use to reach them are changing as well as we move to a more contactless and virtual real estate experience. 

Personalization is a big factor in attracting — and keeping — clients. With the advent of no-contact real estate, more consumers are turning to real estate portals to do their searching and property shopping in advance of reaching out to an agent. In our online world, these prospective clients understand that their information may be captured by a website and are beginning to look for follow-up contact. Understanding that and using it to your advantage through personalized interaction can help you turn a tire-kicking house shopper into a hot prospect for your next home on the market.

Staying organized and connected is important for attracting prospective clients and developing a relationship with those prospects is essential for ongoing success. Taking advantage of software that can save you time, keep you organized, and help you personalize your outreach for better relationship building is a good investment for any agent wishing to amplify their success in the 2022 market year.

Using Document Management Software to Offer a More Personalized Experience 

Believe it or not, organization is the basis for a strong, personalized relationship with customers or prospective customers. Real estate agents often come into contact with a huge amount of personal information — phone numbers, names, ages, house preferences, timelines, and more. Jotting that down on a piece of paper or daily planner is not enough to give you customer relationship management skills you need to be successful. That’s where a robust document management system (DMS) comes into play. Used correctly, a DMS will digitize and organize all the information you receive about clients so you can personalize your interaction with them for greater success. Here’s just a sample of what can be organized using a DMS:

  • Personal information such as birth dates, partner and children’s names, location preferences, house type preferences, and more.
  • Prequalification documents for ongoing house searches
  • Financial agreements and lease documents
  • Property titles
  • Correspondence among all parties involved with house buying or selling

Additionally, many DMS’ can integrate with commonly used real estate business applications such as Microsoft Office and salesforce. Using a DMS, you can access property information and pertinent documents from anywhere — providing your clients with fast, personalized customer service that will help boost your word-of-mouth referrals. 

A Note on Security

Real estate agents frequently handle sensitive financial and personal information and documents that would lead to detrimental circumstances if they fell into the wrong hands. Most document management solutions come with integrated security features that help protect data from theft or loss. These features are particularly important in today’s online world where cyberthreats are constantly evolving. Having a secure way to share, store, and access files is critical to providing your customers with an outstanding — and secure — real estate buying or selling experience. 

Trust Blue Technologies with Your Document Management Needs

The world of real estate is evolving toward a more virtual environment, and yet consumers are demanding a uniquely personalized experience within this online world. Bring your customers the best of all worlds by adopting a document management solution from Blue Technologies.

We offer a full range of solutions to help you organize, share, and protect your information to give clients what they need in a fast and secure manner. Our document management systems offer a host of benefits, from data capture to help digitize those handwritten notes or paper-based documents to content management systems that organize everything you need at your fingertips so you can respond to clients requests as quickly as possible. 

Give your real estate prospects and clients the personal experience they want. Contact a Blue Technologies consultant  explore how our document management solutions can help your real estate business thrive in 2022.