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The Best School Visitor Management System on The Market

Written by Blue Technologies Ohio | Apr 22, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Traditionally, schools provided students with the education they would need to be contributing members of society and able to explore a wide range of career paths in the future. Over the past 20 years or so, that has changed. Schools now also must take on another essential responsibility: the safety of their students.

That is why every academic institution now needs a school visitor management system. Specifically, administrators should be investing in School Gate Guardian.  

Why School Gate Guardian Is the Best School Visitor Management System

There are many reasons School Gate Guardian has found so many excited adopters across the country. For example, it’s reasonably-priced. It’s also easy to implement. However, here are the 10 the most popular features that have made this school visitor management system so popular.

1. Effortless Visitor Logging

The School Gate Guardian platform will quickly scan the issued ID of every guest who enters the building. Archives are updated with date and time, a picture of the visitor, and a record of whom they were there to see. The visitor is then logged out upon their departure.  

2. Checks for Sex Offenders

There are hundreds-of-thousands of sex offenders throughout the country. Many of them target school zones. Though few would likely risk entering the school during operating hours, that might not be the case for a sex offender who can prove (or convince) they’re a relative of a student. With School Gate Guardian, every visitor’s ID is compared against a national database of more than 800,000 known sex offenders to ensure none of them can access schools.  

3. SIS Integration

Student Information Systems (SIS) already in place can be used to provide data to Student Gate Guardian upon installation immediately. This simple integration process makes it easy for the platform to begin offering protection right away.

4. Customizable Visitor Registries

Throughout the year, any number of different people, who don’t formally work there and aren’t students, may need to access a school. With this visitor management system for schools, administrators can designate specific, limited-time access for volunteers and other workers. They can also determine who should never be allowed access to the school (e.g., parents with limited visitation rights, restraining orders, etc.).

5. Tardy Student Recording

Keeping track of students is extremely important for their safety. It can be difficult, though, when they show up late without prior notice or leave early. That’s why School Gate Guardian was designed to track tardy students, including how many minutes late they were. It can also create reports of accrued late times to be sent home. The system can be programmed to allow for early dismissals, as well, so faculty can immediately check to see if a student has gone missing or is absent for a legitimate reason.

6. Approved Pickup Names

Busy parents can’t always get to school on time to pick up their children. When that happens, they may elect to send another child, an older family member, a neighbor, or a trusted friend. This often puts faculty members in an awkward situation. Just because the child knows the person who’s come to pick them up, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s okay to let them leave.

This school visitor management system matches with a list of approved names who are authorized by the parents to pick up their kids from school. No more awkward conversations or taking potentially dangerous risks.  

7. Badges That Expire

To ensure no visitor can come back on a later day and reuse their badge to access the building, School Gate Guardian’s guest badges expire after 10 to 12 hours. The bright red light that goes on will make it clear to faculty members that the person should not be on the premises.

8. Mass Alert for Emergencies

All a front-office worker needs to do in case of an emergency is to click a discreet “send alert” button. Relevant information immediately goes to designated district personnel. In the case of a sex offender, their name, photo, and physical description is sent out via email.

9. Emergency Response Reporting

Should an emergency lockdown ever take place, School Gate Guardian will immediately create a report that logs everyone in the building at that moment. This is information given to law enforcement should the emergency need them to evacuate the school. The report includes photos of visitors who are inside, as well.

Utilize the Best Visitor Management System for Schools

Protecting our children has never been more critical. Fortunately, with School Gate Guardian, it’s also never been easier for academic institutions to utilize the latest in technology for doing so. If you’d like to learn more about this technology or ask any questions specific to your school, please contact us today.