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How Accountants are Using Video Conferencing to Amplify Customer Relationships

Written by Blue Technologies Ohio | Oct 6, 2022 3:00:00 PM

Video conferencing is an amazing technology, and it is transforming the ways accountants, wealth managers, and financial planners are doing business.

If you are an accountant or financial management professional, or run an accounting business, video conferencing can be a huge boon to your customer relationships.

Clients like the option to connect easily and virtually – no need to drive – and team members like video conferencing for its flexibility. 

The Transition to Video Conferencing in Accounting and Financial Management

The accounting and financial management professions made some amazing adjustments to remote work during the covid pandemic. 

Working remotely has certainly not been new for many accountants, so for some, the transition was easy. Many CPA teams were already using video conferencing systems before the covid pandemic. But the massive shift to remove work since COVID-19 has made video conferencing even more important. 

Even as CPAs are returning to offices, many accountants, wealth managers, and financial advisors are discovering that clients often prefer to use video conferencing as a way to discuss taxes and other financial issues. 

Seniors in particular might prefer to avoid in person meetings if they are not necessary (even if COVID is not the threat it used to be) in order to avoid viruses and respiratory illnesses. Beyond that, with traffic and all the hassles of parking and high gas prices, why drive if you don’t need to?

The Benefits of Video Conferencing Solutions for Accountants and Financial Advisors

Telephones have of course been a mainstay for accountants and financial advisors for a long time, and there’s nothing wrong with using a telephone for meeting. Video conferencing, however, offers many positives that telephones just can’t provide.

You can’t see someone over a telephone, for example, and audio only does not allow for visual collaboration. With certain video conferencing solutions, document sharing can be incorporated to make it easy for accountants and financial advisors to review documents with the client over the video call.

Seeing someone face to face via video is still not quite the same as an in-person connection, however, it does provide more of a connection than phone audio without facial cues. Thus, your client will have a better sense of who you are and perhaps feel more at ease with you with the addition of video.

What to Look for in a Video Conferencing Solution for Accountants and Financial Advisors

There are a lot of video conferencing solutions on the market right now, with varying levels of features and fees. While it might be OK for a nonprofessional to just hop on Skype for family meetings or set up a Zoom call for the local knitting club, these video conferencing solutions may or may not be the most optimal solution for an accounting firm or wealth management company. 

Depending on the size of your accounting or financial management business, you might want video conferencing that can also be used for teamwork and integrate with your business’s apps and document management solutions.

Some video conferencing solutions can also integrate with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software as well as booking/ scheduling platforms, so that your clients can easily schedule a call with you and have a meeting set up automatically.

Each business’s needs are different. This is why at Blue Technologies, we help by assessing your individual business needs to determine which solutions and integrations will be most optimal for you and your clients.

Leverage the Best Video Conferencing Technologies for Your Accounting or Financial Management Business

Financial managers and accountants need strong customer relationships. Secure and reliable video conferencing tools can help significantly by making communication easy and accessible. Blue Technologies offers the best video conferencing tools that can integrate seamlessly with your business while making things easy for your clients. Let us help you establish a powerful video conferencing solution that will make you and your customers happy.

Boost your accounting or wealth management business with video conferencing. Blue Technologies can help with the latest collaborative technologies. Contact a Blue Technologies consultant to schedule a consultation today.